Infertility has caused a tremendous amount of stress for couples looking forward to conceiving. While In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) certainly comes as a ray of hope, at some point during the process of IVF treatment in Singapore, you may ask if there is anything you can do to increase your chances of becoming pregnant. Read on to find out what advice we have in store for you to increase your chances of conception.
Boosting Your Chances of Conception with IVF Treatment in Singapore
Those seeking to get pregnant through In-Vitro-Fertility treatment or other assisted reproductive treatments must make sure that they make the necessary lifestyle adjustments to increase their chances of conception.
#1 Eat Healthy
As with all other aspects of health, fertility, too, is affected by unhealthy eating habits. Before beginning fertility treatments at an IVF clinic in Singapore, it is essential to achieve and maintain a healthy diet and weight. Obesity (BMI > 35) and underweight (BMI <19) increase the time required to conceive by 2 and 4 times, respectively, and reduce the success rate of IVF. Changing one’s diet and level of physical activity, combined with the support of specialists in IVF Singapore, is the most effective way to improve the effectiveness of fertility treatments.
#2 Exercise Regularly
Simple exercises are recommended before you begin your IVF treatment cycles. Light exercises such as brisk walking are also effective in preparing the body for future pregnancy. Exercising helps to lower stress levels, and yoga is also one of the most effective means of stress reduction and a perfect kind of exercise you can try out. During the IVF process, the stress-relieving benefits of yoga have benefited many women mentally. The capacity to conceive is negatively impacted by stress, and keeping your stress levels under check is vital for the success of IVF treatments in Singapore.
#3 Quit Smoking
Smoking lowers the quality of sperm and eggs, thereby decreasing the likelihood of conception during IVF. Quitting smoking is a challenging task that typically requires a great deal of personal and professional support. Speak to your specialist at your IVF clinic in Singapore, and they will direct you appropriately. The most effective approaches for stopping smoking are structured programmes and pharmacological aid.
#4 Avoid Trans Fat
Trans fats are associated with an increased risk of ovulatory infertility because they reduce insulin sensitivity. Trans fats are typically present in hydrogenated vegetable oils and are typically found in fried foods, processed products, and baked goods. Avoiding these as much as possible in your diet as you prepare for your IVF treatment in Singapore can improve your chances of conception.
#5 Avoid Stress and Get at Least 6 Hours of Sleep Daily
Both natural and assisted conception rates can be impacted by stress. Reducing stress throughout an IVF procedure might be one of the most challenging objectives for couples. Multiple studies have indicated that acupuncture and other stress-relieving techniques, such as yoga, enrolling in holistic well-being programs, and attending resilience training sessions, improve pregnancy outcomes. Furthermore, as stated by a California-based Fertility Research Institute, “Sleep deprivation will signal the body to produce more stress hormones, which is bad for overall health and can throw off levels of estrogen, testosterone, and other reproductive hormones.”
Best IVF Clinic in Singapore
At Seng’s Clinic, couples seeking assistance in conceiving a child have access to a full spectrum of reproductive treatment choices. Their facility is renowned for its proficiency in identifying, treating, and aiding couples with reproductive issues. Seng’s OG Practice is a pioneer in IVF in Singapore. As an MOH-approved IVF treatment centre in Singapore, their trained team of fertility physicians, embryologists, and fertility nurses will customise a treatment plan for each couple to maximise their chances of becoming parents. Contact them to begin your IVF treatment journey today.