If you have sustained a catastrophic injury because of another party’s fault, you can claim monetary compensation that can help you handle your injury and its impacts on your life. But there is a deadline for when you can file a personal injury claim in Las Vegas. However, the claim process can be quite confusing if you do not have a legal background. That is why you should consider working with an experienced personal injury attorney who specializes in catastrophic injury cases. Through this attorney, you learn what your legal options are and protect your rights.
What are Catastrophic Injuries?
Catastrophic injuries are serious injuries that lead to long-term debilitation and disability. They include brain and head injuries, spinal cord injuries, serious burns, loss of eyesight, organ damage, and amputation. The majority of these injuries occur due to accidents such as car accidents. In addition, they can be long-term or permanent. Catastrophic injuries limit your ability to work and increase your financial needs.
The Statute of Limitations in Nevada for Personal Injuries
Injured victims have two years to file a personal injury claim. The clock starts to tick at the accident or injury date. But personal injury cases are not equal and the filing deadline for some cases is longer than others. For instance, in product liability cases, victims have four years to file a claim. Those who sustain catastrophic injuries in construction site accidents have six years to file while medical malpractice victims have three years to file a claim.
What If You Contributed to the Accident?
Even if you have a partial contribution to the accident, you can still sue the other party for compensation. But this depends on your percentage of fault. Also, your percentage of fault determines the final amount of compensation you can get. Let us say a court finds you 10% at fault for the accident or injury and grants you a $100, 000 award. The $100, 000 award will be deducted $10, 000 (10%), which means you only get $90, 000 compensation. But you should not be more than 51% at fault for the accident to get compensation.
The Amount of Compensation You May Get
Your compensation amount will depend on some factors including the seriousness of your catastrophic injury. Other factors include expenses associated with your injury such as medical treatment, assistive devices, counseling, lost wages, and structural adjustments to your house. In addition, you can also recover compensation for non-economic damages such as pain and suffering (physical and emotional), emotional distress, and strained relations. Your injury lawyer will concentrate on getting you the maximum compensation award.