Most of us in Scottsdale, Arizona, have heard that a virus causes warts and that they can be transmittable through contact with an infected individual. But did you know that there are some pretty simple ways to protect yourself from getting them in the first place? The first thing to do is see an expert in warts in Scottsdale, AZ. Here are seven of the best practices to keep you safe from warts.
Change Your Socks and Shoes Regularly
Did you know that warts can live in your shoes for up to three months? If you wear the same pair of socks and shoes each day, they may still contain traces of the virus even after being washed. By wearing clean socks and changing your shoes daily, you limit your exposure to the virus.
Do Not Share Towels
Have you ever wondered how warts can be transmitted from one person to another? Sharing towels with someone who has a wart virus is one of the most common ways to transfer them. By keeping your towel, you can protect yourself from contracting them in this way.
Avoid Touching Warts on Yourself or Someone Else
This can be one of the more difficult practices to keep, but it’s essential. When you touch infected areas on your own body or someone else feels them, they are left open to additional exposure by touching other parts of their body with those fingers. This is how warts are most commonly transmitted from one individual to another. By keeping your hands away from your face and other parts of the body, you can avoid contracting warts.
Wash and Dry the Feet Well
When you have the opportunity, give your feet a good washing and drying with warm water. Make sure to dry between your toes as well. While it may be uncomfortable for some people to wash their feet daily, this is one of the best ways to keep warts from forming on your skin.
Cover Your Feet in Changing Rooms
In addition to giving your feet a good wash and dry before putting on socks, make it a habit of covering them with clean socks as soon as you put your shoes back on. This will keep them protected from being exposed to the virus or spreading it to others.
Proper Surface Sanitization
Keep your surfaces clean to avoid contaminating them with warts or the virus. It means washing countertops and other areas you tend to touch (i.e., doorknobs, etc.) daily. If someone in your household has a wart virus, consider wearing gloves while cleaning the bathroom and wiping down the surfaces in the area.
See a Wart Specialist Regularly
If you have a wart or multiple warts, it is crucial to see a professional soon. A wart specialist will remove warts and keep them from spreading. They will also teach you how to protect yourself and your family from contracting and transmitting the wart virus in the future.
Warts are a common skin infection that can be spread through contact with an infected individual. Fortunately, there are many ways to protect yourself from contracting them in the first place and limiting your exposure to people who have warts. Avoid touching warts on yourself or someone else by washing your hands frequently, changing socks regularly, wearing clean shoes each day, and seeing a wart specialist regularly.