Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disorder affecting millions of Americans today. This condition results from the immune system’s disruption, such that it starts attacking the healthy tissues covering nerve fibers within the body, known as the myelin. Once Houston multiple sclerosis develops, it causes nerve issues between the spinal cord and the brain. As the myelin becomes damaged, the nerves are disrupted, resulting in many symptoms. Continue reading to learn about the warning signs of sclerosis so that you know what to watch out for once they arrive.
1. Vision Problems
Vision problems often affect individuals with multiple sclerosis. Swelling of the optic nerve could cause eye discomfort, blurred vision, dim vision, and even color blindness. Typically, these vision issues often affect one eye.
While vision problems might seem scary, you can restore your vision with the right treatment. Other vision problems include double vision and involuntary or uncontrollable eye movement.
2. Bladder Problems
Bladder dysfunction is another common condition in persons with multiple sclerosis. MS causes lesions that block or delay the nerve impulses that control your urinary sphincter and bladder. Common bladder problems to expect include incontinence, frequent urination, nighttime urination, hesitance, and the inability to empty your bladder entirely. Medications and fluid management are the most common ways to handle MS-related bladder problems.
3. Bowel Issues
Individuals with MS also often suffer from bowel dysfunction. Common bowel problems include constipation, diarrhea, and loss of bowel control. Most bowel issues could be corrected with medications, dietary changes, increased physical activity, and hydration.
4. Pain
The discomfort associated with MS could make it hard to enjoy your everyday life and perform simple activities. There are numerous reasons for this MS-related discomfort. For starters, the discomfort could result from damage to the nervous system, also known as neuropathic pain.
MS can also affect your gait and cause physical body changes in discomfort in your muscles and joints (musculoskeletal pain). Your specialist will determine your specific pain concern, and suggest suitable treatment.
5. Sexual Issues
Sexual problems are another common concern in multiple sclerosis patients. Sexual arousal begins in the nervous system, so arousal and orgasms could be affected by MS. Besides the physical body changes caused by MS, the condition causes various emotional problems that could impact your sexuality and reduce your libido.
6. Vertigo
Persons suffering from MS often experience dizziness. This condition can make you feel off balance or lightheaded. Moreover, you might experience vertigo, which is the feeling that you or your surroundings are spinning. Dizziness and vertigo result from lesions on the pathways that your brain uses to help maintain equilibrium and balance.
7. Emotional Issues
Living with multiple sclerosis is difficult. Numerous uncomfortable symptoms could make it hard to cope. MS can result in periods of intense emotions. You might experience uncontrollable anxiety, irritability, and mood swings. Moreover, MS is often linked to clinical depression.
Multiple sclerosis could affect every aspect of your life, including your physical, emotional, and psychological health, as well as your vocational and social life. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the early warning signs of this condition. Unfortunately, the symptoms of MS are unpredictable and variable. No two individuals have similar symptoms, and every individual’s symptoms can fluctuate or change with time. Besides, one person may experience one or two potential symptoms, whereas others may experience many more. Therefore, if you identify any warning signs, talk to your doctor for specialist care.