Same-day dental emergencies require immediate medical care. Avoid chewing or moving the affected area if you have a dental emergency. Rinsing your mouth with warm water and applying a cold compress on the affected region can help ease pain and swelling before you reach your provider. Austin same-day emergencies help relieve pain, restore your smile and bite, and prevent further dental complications. Never put off same-day emergencies to prevent your dental issue from worsening. Below are common dental conditions that require same-day emergencies.
Severe toothache
Tooth pain can be a sign of many conditions, including cavities. Severe toothache requires urgent medical care. Before you reach your dentist, apply a cold compress outside your cheek to ease the pain. Over-the-counter pain medications like acetaminophen, naproxen, or ibuprofen can also reduce pain. Avoid aspirin because it can burn the tissue if it comes into contact with the affected gums.
Abscesses are pimple-like infections that develop around your teeth roots or spaces between your teeth and gums. An abscess is a severe dental problem that can destroy tissue and surrounding teeth. Untreated abscesses can cause face or jaw swelling or spread to other body parts. You can manage your abscess at home before you consult your dentist. Rinsing your mouth with a mild salt-water solution several times can help ease pain and draw the pus toward the surface.
Knocked-out tooth
Knocked-out teeth need immediate dental care. Immediately you knock out your tooth, retrieve it, hold it by the crown, and rinse off its root with water. Do not remove any attached tissue fragments on the root. You can put your tooth back into its socket in the correct position. Do not force it into place if you cannot reinsert your tooth. If you cannot put it back, place the tooth in a small tin containing milk or salt-water solution. Ensure you get to your dentist within one hour after your injury to increase the chances of saving it.
Lost or damaged dental restorations
Dental restorations like crowns or fillings can fall out, break or dislodge. If you break or lose your dental filling, place a piece of sugarless gum or over-the-counter dental cement into the cavity. Avoid sugar-filled gum because it will cause pain. For broken dental crowns or bridges, you can restore them before you access a medical facility. Coat the inner surface of your restoration with dental cement or toothpaste to hold it in place.
Severe bleeding
Severe dental bleeding can result from injury to soft tissues like the tongue, cheeks, gums, or lips. You can control bleeding by rinsing your mouth with a mild salt-water solution. Also, apply pressure to the affected site using a moistened gauze or caffeinated tea bag. Applying a cold compress outside your mouth in the injured region for about five to ten minutes can help control bleeding and ease pain. If your bleeding does not stop with these home remedies, consult your dentist immediately.
Same-day dental emergencies require immediate care to help prevent further complications and restore overall oral health. Common dental emergencies include severe toothache, abscess, knocked-out teeth, broken restorations, and severe bleeding. Schedule an appointment at Austin Advanced Dentistry for same-day dental emergencies to prevent your condition from worsening.