Lately, designers are putting a lot of thought into their e-commerce animation designs. Many have improved animations in a bid to boost conversion rates and drive sales.
To help you get the most out of your animated series, we’ve listed a few of Shopify’s design principles below, which will help you reach your business objectives.
Target Strong Leads
When you first launch your animated series, it can seem like you’re just trying to sell something. That’s normal, but if you really want to get a strong value from your animation, you need to test your visitor behaviour. Try to observe and learn what people naturally follow.
Implement Focus Slots
When designing a series, it’s a good idea to test it on a narrower range of visitor type to achieve a better balance of effectiveness. This will ensure your animation doesn’t have an overwhelming effect and that you are only reaching your potential visitors.
Control Your Theme
It’s important to get a look and feel that your target audience prefers, as this will help them follow your series and eventually become fans of your site. You should also try to keep this feeling in mind when you are trying to build out the right visuals for your series.
Boost Visitor Loyalty
When your series becomes a steady feature of your site, it’s important to engage with your audience. Do not force-feed your viewers, as this can make them annoyed and frustrated. Do however, show them how they can interact with your series, or if they have questions, answer them.
Master Your Breakout Elements
Your main sequence for your animated series should make a good impression on your audience. Make sure you do this by using a strong, clean and intuitive visual style that fits in with your site’s overall style.
Start with a solid foundation
The main sequences and more complex animations should not be started until you’ve completed your main sequence, as they will need to be carefully planned and organized. Make sure that you have solid, sturdy elements to add to and build into your series.
Create Sense of Progress
It’s a good idea to give people an idea of where you are heading with the animation. Doing this helps guide them to more content, which they may enjoy.
Keep In Mind Your Overall Strategy
It’s also a good idea to incorporate a clear call to action, so that your viewers know where they can learn more.
Navigate to the Buy page
These calls to action should be prominent, so that people know what they are about to do.
Review and Optimize
With every image you add, you need to make sure that you optimize it properly. This means doing a simple test to ensure that it fits in with your site’s overall layout and function.
Keep In Mind Your Clients’ Goals
If you have clients who are buying an email list and need a few conversions, then it may be better to make the first image very attractive. You can then use the rest of the series to help your audience convert.
When you have a series, try to use at least one thumbnail image per new series. This will ensure that your series isn’t overwhelmed with flashy images that people won’t interact with. It will also ensure that your new series is easily followed and interesting enough that people want to read on.
Take it Offline
Video is still one of the most important ways to showcase a business, with YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and other sites. Because of this, your animated series should not only be on your site, but also on your YouTube channel, website, and anywhere else your customers will find you.
Listen to Your Audience
When you are designing a series, it’s a good idea to listen to your audience and use what they want, as well as to not overload them with content. The right way to do this is to break down your
list of posts in bite-sized pieces that people can work through, or that they can watch.
Try to keep your content concise, with people able to engage with it without spending a lot of time on your site.
Don’t Always Follow the Crowd
Sometimes it’s good to break the rules and create a new style for your animated series. It’s good to push boundaries and do something unexpected.
Creating a series isn’t easy, so start with a strong foundation. You can then build up your animation from there, giving your viewers something fresh.
Use animations to boost your conversion rates and watch your shop become a leader in its domain.