Whether working at a construction site or happening to walk near one, there is some potential for injury. Depending on what took place, you may need to take legal action as well as seek medical attention. In the event that any of the following results from an accident at a construction site, the most practical thing for you to do is get in touch with a construction accident lawyer who can seek fair compensation on your behalf.
Broken or Fractured Bones
A broken leg or a fractured arm can seriously impair your ability to engage in your usual activities. Depending on the type of work that you do, bone breaks and fractures could mean that you can’t do your job for a time. Those who work hourly jobs and have limited access to personal days or medical leave could find themselves facing serious financial issues in a short amount of time.
In this scenario, your legal counsel can attempt to make arrangements for a settlement that takes into account more than your out-of-pocket medical expenses. The settlement could also include compensation for lost wages. That will make it a little easier to concentrate on your recovery without worrying about money.
Severe Burns on Any Area of the Body
Burns can also keep you out of work for some time. Severe ones can leave you disfigured for life. Even when the possibility of repairing part of the damage with cosmetic surgery exists, figuring out how to pay for what may or may not be considered an unnecessary procedure can be difficult.
Your legal counsel can seek to secure a settlement that helps with more than the immediate medical care for the burns. There’s also the chance of obtaining a settlement that’s enough to help with the costs of any follow-up surgery that’s needed, including cosmetic procedures. When it is possible to reach an equitable settlement, you will find it easier to move on from what has happened and get your life back on track.
Muscle and Ligament Damage
Muscles that are cut or strained can also be debilitating. The same is true with ligaments. You may find yourself dealing with an inability to move your arms or legs with ease. Think of what that could mean for being able to continue earning a living and paying the bills.
A settlement negotiated by your legal counsel could help make it easier to recover without having to worry about making ends meet. Even if you never recover fully, the settlement money can be a bridge between today and the beginning of your disability benefits. In the best-case scenario, you will experience little to no financial distress.
Vision Loss
What if an event at the construction site affects your vision? Whether the loss is permanent or will last for an extended amount of time, many of the things you are used to doing every day will no longer be possible. At best, they may be difficult to manage. This is a situation that involves the need for some type of compensation.
You can depend on your construction accident lawyer to seek damages that would help provide for your immediate care, as well as any therapy and other programs that would aid in coping with the loss of your vision. While the money can’t replace what you’ve lost, it will help pave the way for finding a way to adjust and be able to restore some of your life to you.
Hearing Loss
Next to the loss of sight, one of the most difficult adjustments many people make is losing the ability to hear. It will mean never being able to listen to music again or hear the voices of loved ones. The loss in terms of professional as well as personal loss can be impossible to calculate.
This is another area where your legal counsel can seek compensation that helps to cover medical costs while aiding in planning for your future. That includes rehabilitation options that make it possible to cope with the hearing loss, secure hearing aids that may partially compensate for the loss, and even training that would make it possible for you to develop new skills that would allow you to work in spite of no longer being able to hear clearly.
An Injury to the Neck of the Spinal Column
Most people have no idea how much an injury to the back or to the neck can adversely affect the ability to function. Spinal injuries may mean walking is impossible or at least difficult to do. Even when it is possible to walk, it’s usually for a short distance. Life in a wheelchair for the rest of your life is not what you want to face.
Neck injuries also lead to complications since not many people understand how often they turn to look over a shoulder or to glance to one side. It’s only when the neck can no longer be moved that the loss is evident. Your lawyer can seek compensation to offset the financial toll that the injury has taken and hopefully cover the costs of any therapy that’s needed.
Head Injuries That Lead to Cognitive or Other Complications
Direct blows to the head can trigger all sorts of ongoing health issues. They may injure the brain, leading to cognitive disabilities that could never get any better. There may also be lingering symptoms, such as an inability to speak properly or changes in personality and mood that you seem to be unable to control.
Your lawyer can make sure that the construction company responsible for the injury is approached about some sort of settlement. If necessary, your legal counsel can pursue compensation in a court of law. This is true whether there is hope for a recovery or if the damage is considered permanent by your doctors.
The bottom line is that any injury occurring at a construction site should not be taken lightly. While your first call is to seek medical attention, reaching out to a lawyer should follow soon after. You can bet that the responsible party will be lining up legal counsel while you are still being evaluated. With a lawyer on your side, it’s possible to avoid any attempts to coerce you into settling for an inadequate amount and seek a settlement that’s more in line with what you’ve lost.