If you’re someone that’s ever tried peppermint bark tea, you’ll know all about the fact that it’s a deliciously sweet treat that’s popular across the US. However, being as nice and luxurious as it is, you might wonder whether it’s actually very good for you.
Let’s face it, most delicious things in life that bring us pleasure come at a cost to health, so it would be right to assume that something as sweet and tasty as this has got to make it bad for you, right? Not so, as we examine the subject a little further.
Lots of Health Support Provide
Peppermint bark tea tastes great AND supports the body in a range of ways. Being a black tea that contains relatively low caffeine levels (roughly 50% of what you’d get from a cup of joe), it offers quite an array of ways in which it supports health.
They include:
- Antioxidants & polyphenols that support good overall health
- Flavonoids that help to promote heart health
- Helps to reduce cholesterol that causes strokes, and heart disease
- Antimicrobial properties that support the gut & immune system
- Contains compounds that promote healthy insulin levels
- Supports brain activity with L-theanine
So, How Exactly Does Peppermint Bark Tea Taste?
Ok, we’ve been making you salivate this whole time, telling you how lovely and sweet it is, but we’ve not actually given you an accurate description of the actual taste. Taste it yourself, and you’ll see that it has a sweet taste, but it’s also intensely refreshing because of the menthol and peppermint flavors.
Despite being this yummy, it’s a drink that can be enjoyed as many times as you see fit – on the proviso that you don’t have a sensitivity to caffeine. It may only contain 50% of the caffeine you’d get in a cup of coffee, but it can soon add up and give you the jitters.
1-2 cups a day is usually enough and what you do from there is your own prerogative. It can get a little sickly if you have too much of it, so it all depends on how sweet your tooth is.
After you’ve drunk a cup of it, you’ll often find that you get a nice feeling in your stomach. That’s because peppermint is known to have a calming effect on stomach muscles while also increasing bile flow. The result is smoother digestion and a happier tummy.
Peppermint Bark Tea Is Tasty AND Healthy
There aren’t many things in life that you can point to and say that they’re both super tasty and really healthy, but this beverage is one of them. So, when you start craving a cup and eventually have one, you can indulge without the usual guilt that comes with having something yummy.
Get a box of these tea bags and matcha kit in your cupboard, and you’ll always have something ready when you desire to consume something sweet.
After drinking one, you’re much more unlikely to have something you’re not supposed to, so it can work rather well as a dietary aid.
Not bad for a humble cup of tea, right?