Cleaning the bathroom is an important task that must be carried out routinely by every occupant of the house. Apart from making it clean and odor free, cleaning the bathroom is also an effort to minimize germs and bacteria that can be the ultimate source of disease.
The bathroom is mostly associated as a damp and easy-to-get-dirty space in the house. The main function of the bathroom is none other than as a place to maintain our personal cleanliness. Thus why bathroom cleanliness is very important to always be maintained.
The Benefits of Maintaining Bathroom Cleanliness
Maintaining the cleanliness of the bathroom will provide good benefits for your health. Read on below to know more details about the benefits obtained from keeping the bathroom clean.
1.Healthy Body
Having a healthy body is everyone’s dream. Thus, we need to take care of the health of ourselves and family members. As we know, there are many disease-causing bacteria and germs in the house, including the bathroom. So, it is very important to keep the bathroom clean. By regularly cleaning the bathroom, you will get more benefits for your body’s health.
2.Eliminate Bad Odors
Diligent and routine cleaning of the bathroom will not only help to get rid of bacteria and germs. It can also reduce or even eliminate the unpleasant odor that may happen due to a dirty bathroom. This unpleasant odor usually comes from the smell of drain pipes, dirt, and scale that sticks to the surface of the bathroom.
3.Protect Yourself from Any Disease
By keeping the bathroom clean, you will avoid catching or spreading diseases among family members that may affect other people. Germs such as bacteria, like damp, dirty, and disgusting environments. So, it is easier for bacterial led-diseases to spread in the bathroom. Therefore, it is important to clean your bathroom regularly to reduce the risk of spreading or catching any disease.
4.Protects the Bathroom from Humidity
Moss and mold like damp places. Thus it can grow well in the bathroom. A bathroom that is rarely cleaned will cause humidity to increase and thus cause scale to form on the walls. An effective way to prevent dampness is to regularly keep the bathroom clean.
How to Clean the Bathroom Thoroughly to Minimize Germs?
STEP 1: Clean the toilet
Scrub the toilet with soap, disinfectant, or a special toilet cleaning liquid, every once a week. In addition, every time you press the flush button you should close the toilet to prevent the spread of germs and bacteria in the bathroom.
STEP 2: Clean the bathroom walls and bathtub
Clean the bathroom walls by sprinkling water on the tiled wall surface, then wipe it. You can also use a brush and soap, or a special descaling liquid if the stains are hard to wipe up.
If your bathroom has its own bathtub, don’t forget to also scrub it down with a cleaning liquid and water to remove bathtub stains that may present due to water clogging or oil and soap remnants.
STEP 3: Don’t forget the faucet and shower
Mostly rust stains appear in the area around the faucet or shower, and they can even extend to the wall. To fix this problem, you should use a special liquid rust cleaner. Worry not, this product is available to purchase in convenient stores on any online store platform.
STEP 4: Make sure the bathroom air circulation is maintained properly
The bathroom is a place that tends to be damp. However, the humidity can be higher if the air circulation in the bathroom is not good. Therefore, make sure the air in your bathroom can get in and out easily. If the bathroom is not being used, leave the door wide open, or you can also install ventilation in the bathroom.
STEP 5: Clean the drains regularly
The next way to clean the bathroom is to regularly clean the drains. You may often see leftover hair or other debris in the drains. If left unchecked, dirt will accumulate and the drains will become clogged.
STEP 6: Clean the floor gaps
You have to look at the condition of the gaps between the tiles or floors. If left unchecked, mold or mildew might grow in the gaps in the bathroom floor. Therefore, make sure you brush the bathroom floor thoroughly, especially in the tile gaps. When brushing, you can use soap, carbolic acid, or other household cleaning products, to ensure it can easily get cleaned.
STEP 7: Clean the shower glass partition and mirror
If your shower is using glass partitions to create a barrier when you take a shower, you definitely should pay attention to areas that are often exposed to the water splashes. Because the splash often leaves stain marks. Apart from that, you should also pay attention to the mirror in the bathroom. Humid bathroom air and splashes of water can cause lots of smudges on the glass.
These are some of the benefits of the importance of keeping the bathroom clean, and the guide on how to keep it clean all the time. Healthy family starts from a healthy house, thus keeping every area of your house, including the bathroom, is very much important!