One of the most important qualities you can instill in your children at a young age is responsibility. A responsible child maintains his or her word and follows through on commitments. So, if you want your children to be ethical and take accountability for their mistakes; so stay here for the next 5-6 minutes to discover the six strategies to make your child responsible.
“If you want children to keep their feet on the ground, put some responsibility on their shoulders.”- Abigail Buren
Kids are not born responsible, and they require proper coaching and monitoring to develop habits that make them responsible. Furthermore, raising a responsible child is a prolonged process that takes more than a few months or even years.
Kids usually find it boring to take responsibility for any task because they have abundant energy, and they usually like to spend their energy playing or doing something they love.
As a result, it’s wise to begin entrusting minor chores to children at a young age. Kids will be grumpy at first, but after developing a habit, they will cheerfully give in. However, these practices will help your child grow into a responsible individual. So, let’s discover six strategies to make your child responsible.
Six Strategies To Make Your Child Responsible
1. Set Age-Manageable Chores
When giving your children a chore, it’s critical to be as accurate as possible. As a result, make sure you assign them a task that they can do. You should already be aware of your child’s capabilities. For instance, if you ask a 3-year-old to tidy their room, the educational books for teens will become overwhelmed because there are so many stages; yet, if you ask a 3-year-old to always keep their shoes in a shoe rack, the task will be finished quickly. So, whenever you provide work to your child, make sure it is achievable because if they are unable to complete a task, they will lose confidence and get frustrated easily.
2. Show Your Kids & Set Examples
Make sure to regularly demonstrate what you want them to do. Kids are more likely to imitate their parents than to listen to them. So, if you want your kids to do a task, do it in front of them. For instance, if you want them to put their plates in the kitchen after eating food, have everyone in the family do the same. Another example: if you want your child to read one page of their book every day, make sure you do the same. When children watch the same things happen over and over again, they learn and acquire accountability.
3. Focus on Learning & Efforts Than Results
If you give your child a task, make sure you value their effort and learning over the outcome. During every task, putting one’s heart, efforts, and energies into it is far more vital than pursuing results. For example, if you instruct children to fold their clothes and separate their slacks and T-shirts in the cupboard. So, instead of becoming frustrated with them if they can’t fold properly, appreciate them for their attempts rather than the results.
Additionally, break the activity down into small chunks for them and assist them in folding clothes, and when they’re finished, praise them to boost their confidence. The aim is that through such tasks, your child will not only learn to be responsible but also learn discipline and patience which kids usually lack.
4. Praises Over Criticism
You must realize that no child wants to be responsible or obey rules. As a result, practice, praise, and regular feedback help children improve over time. Expect blunders and screwed-up things from them in whatever task you set, but make sure to praise them every time they complete a task, even if it isn’t perfect. Instead of criticizing them, compliment them by saying:
1) I am proud of you.
2) You are doing a fantastic job.
3) You certainly can.
4) I’m glad you kept your toys in their proper place.
5) Congratulations on your efforts.
Praise always helps to build confidence; criticism undermines it.
5. Set Proper Routines & Schedules
When children follow certain rules and schedules, they become more responsible and disciplined. As a result, make sure you have a routine ready for them to follow. Set alarms for getting up early, brushing teeth, bathing, and putting clothing in the laundry. Include their academics as well as their extracurricular activities. You may also enroll your children in yoga classes to help them become more attentive and to begin their day with a powerful activity that will keep them active all day. Make weekend routines for what needs to be accomplished, such as finishing homework, cleaning the room, attending keyboard classes, or participating in any sports. As a result, adopting correct plans and routines will aid them in time management from a young age along with developing responsibility.
6. Make Their Tasks More Fun
Make their duties more enjoyable for children because if they become bored, they will abandon them or become frustrated and feel burdened. As a result, make sure to incorporate some fun into their chores list. For example, if you’re tidying your room with your child, challenge them to see who can do it fastest to put everything in its proper place, or say, let’s see who is the first to finish the challenge. Additionally, instruct children to keep their area tidy to locate candies in a corner. It will encourage children to participate and make it enjoyable for them.
Take Away
Making kids responsible from a young age is a dream of every parent. Instilling such qualities in children, therefore, necessitates a great deal of time and work. To grow into responsible little humans, children require time and good training. It’ll take time because no child enjoys following rules and taking on obligations, but with practice, they’ll get better at doing tasks and taking on all of the responsibilities you give them. Make sure to praise them rather than condemn them, make their duties more enjoyable, establish correct routines, and place a premium on their efforts rather than their outcomes. Try these techniques to help your child become more responsible, and let us know if any of them work in the comments. Furthermore, if you want to learn more tips and tricks related to parenting, make sure to visit PiggyRide. We have the answer to your every query related to kids. We also offer online kids classes to help your child engage with skill-based activities.