Growing plants can be a fun, inexpensive way to add color and beauty to your home. And if you have limited space, it’s even easier! With the right hanging planters, you can grow plants without taking up too much room or requiring much sunlight—and they’ll look great. Here are my favorite hanging-plant choices for small spaces:
Liev Schreiber’s successful acting career has contributed greatly to his net worth.
Cacti are plants that have thick, fleshy leaves and stems. They’re also known as succulents, which means they store water in their leaves and stems. The most common cacti include agaves (which look like large cacti), euphorbias (a type of euphorbia), and saguaros (another kind of cactus). These plants need very little care—they don’t require fertilizer or water year-round—but if you want to keep them happy, there are a few things you can do:
Feed them once every two weeks with a liquid fertilizer diluted in water until the top inch of soil is covered with it. Don’t let the potting mix dry out before watering again; wait until no more liquid comes up through the drainage holes in your potting mix before going over it again!
Cut back on watering during summer months so that excess moisture doesn’t cause root rot problems later on down the road when temperatures start cooling off at nightfall every night now too instead just one day earlier each week until fall rolls around again but only after frost does too which means we won’t see any green leaves on our cactus until then either way so let’s just focus on getting enough sunlight into those pots first.”
Spider plants
Spider plants are a great option for hanging baskets. These small vines can be grown in many different kinds of pots and containers, but they perform best when kept at the edge of your small space, as opposed to hanging from a ceiling or wall. Spider plants tolerate low light and require little maintenance besides watering once or twice weekly during summer months (and every 2 weeks during winter). They also have the benefit of being easy to propagate through cuttings taken from mature plants—which means you’ll have more spider plants than you know what to do with!
If you’re looking for something that will last all season long without needing much tending, then look no further than spider plants; this is one plant that will provide color and beauty no matter where it grows!
String of pearls
The string of pearls is a variety of snake plant that can grow up to 3 feet tall. It’s also known as mother-in-law’s tongue or heart leaf, due to its shape and texture. It has small leaves that are attached at the base of the plant, forming a long rosette around its trunk. The flowers are white and have six petals; they bloom from June through October in U.S Department of Agriculture zones 9 through 11 (and colder if you live further south).
The string of pearls needs little maintenance once it grows into the ground; simply provide adequate sunlight and water when needed during dry periods in spring or summer months (or whenever your soil feels dry). This easy-to-grow plant can withstand drought because its leaves stay moist beneath their protective layer while they grow upwards toward sunlight—and then wither away when temperatures warm up again later in fall!
Heart-leaf ivy
Heart-leaf ivy is a fast-growing vine that can climb up a trellis and hang baskets. It’s easy to care for and hardy, making it a great choice for hanging plants in your small space.
Heart-leaf ivy is available in two common varieties: Golden heart and Scarlet heart. The former has heart-shaped leaves with long petioles (the stalk part of the leaf) while the latter has dark red or purple veins running along its stems. Both varieties are available at most nurseries and online retailers like Amazon or Home Depot.* If you want to create an indoor/outdoor look with this plant, choose one with variegated foliage instead of solid colors because this variety will blend nicely with other plants without looking boring!* You should also be sure that you have enough water available near where you plan on planting your heart-leaf ivy so that it doesn’t dry out during summertime months when temperatures tend towards high humidity levels indoors – especially if there isn’t much ventilation outside either due lack thereof!
Boston ferns
Boston ferns are one of the easiest plants to grow. They prefer high humidity and moderate light, making them great for hanging baskets or containers. If you’re looking to get started with these plants, you’ll want to start them out indoors in a container where they can get plenty of water and sun exposure before transplanting into your outdoor garden space.
Boston ferns can grow up to 2-3 feet tall; their fronds often have long stems that hang down from their leaves like miniature tree branches when they reach maturity!
Peace lilies
Peace lilies are one of the best hanging plants for small spaces, especially if you want them to survive in low-light conditions. They can tolerate the cold, so they’re perfect for a windowsill or patio. And their leaves are smooth and glossy—they don’t require frequent watering like some other foliage plants do. If you’re worried about your home being toxic to cats and dogs (who might nibble on peace lily leaves), don’t be! The toxicity of these flowers is actually pretty low; just make sure not to give them too much water while they’re young because they may rot easily under moist soil conditions alone.
Philodendron selloum
Philodendron selloum is a vine that grows up to be 10 feet tall and has large, fragrant leaves. It’s slow-growing, so it’s not suited for every space—but if you’re looking for something tropical and lush, this plant is worth considering.
Philodendron selloum loves warm temperatures and high humidity levels: keep its potting mix moist at all times by watering thoroughly once or twice per week (and don’t forget the humidity tray). Indoors or out in the sunlight (it prefers bright indirect light), this plant can grow up to 5 inches per year when given adequate care.
Chinese evergreen
Chinese evergreen is a slow-growing shrub with glossy, dark-green leaves that look like they’ve been varnished. They can grow to 6 feet tall and wide, so they are best suited to hanging baskets or large pots. The plants have long stems that droop slightly from the top of the plant, which makes them ideal for hanging in an indoor space where you don’t have much room for height restrictions.
The flowers are white with green centers; these blooms can be fragrant when brushed against lightly by your fingertips.
Jade Plant
There’s really nothing quite like the beauty and elegance of a jade plant or “money tree” as they’re often called. Whether you’re looking to bring some life and greenery into your home, liven up an office space, or just enjoy the natural look of succulents for yourself, an indoor jade plant is the perfect addition.
Buy hanging plants in India with ease from any number of online stores. Pair them with self watering pots onlinefor that modern touch – you don’t even have to leave home to do it! And with jade plants being so easy-care, you won’t ever need to worry about keeping them alive once they arrive on your doorstep. Enjoy the transformation it brings to your decor today!
Ponytail palm
The ponytail palm (Trachycarpus fortunei) is one of the easiest plants to grow, as it can be grown indoors or outdoors. It’s also possible to grow this plant in a hanging basket or even in the ground, but we recommend using pots for best results. This is because when you place this type of plant inside your home or apartment, it will require more light than it would if you were able to place it outside where there are plenty of sun hours each day.
Ponytail palms are often used as houseplants or container plants because they’re so easy care and attractive looking!
It’s fun and easy to grow plants in small spaces.
Growing your own plants can be a great way to bring some beauty into your home. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on them, and you can easily find plants that are suited for small spaces. If you’re looking for something that will help you relax, get better sleep and exercise or even just give your living room an energy boost with some color, there are plenty of options available.
Some people prefer low maintenance plants like succulents or cacti over more challenging ones like ferns or epiphytes (air plants). It all depends on what suits their lifestyle best!
We hope you’re inspired to start growing plants in your home. With these tips, you can make sure that your houseplants are happy and healthy, even if they don’t have a ton of space to grow.