After a long day of work, it is typical for your body to feel discomfort and pain in some overworked areas of the body. These issues usually dissipate after resting in appropriate postures. This pain can sometimes not go away, especially if your job involves sitting or standing in one position for extended periods. Dallas neck pain is typical, primarily if you have been staring at something for a long time. How to solve this issue involves the following:
What is Neck pain?
This is a common problem, affecting most people at some point in their lives. It is most often caused by muscle tension or strain but can also be caused by other conditions such as arthritis, herniated discs, or pinched nerves. Neck pain can range from mild to severe and can be accompanied by headaches, dizziness, or tingling in the arms or hands.
Neck pain most often results from muscle tension or strain. Poor posture, repetitive motions, and sleeping in an awkward position can all lead to muscle tension and pain. Other well-known causes of neck pain include arthritis, herniated discs, and pinched nerves.
In older people, this is a common source of neck discomfort. Osteoarthritis manifests in the neck, although numerous others exist. Cartilage degradation leads to this form of arthritis. Cartilage acts as a shock absorber between the bone ends at joints. When the cartilage wears away, bones might start to rub against one another, leading to discomfort, immobility, and inflammation. Pain management medications are useful for short-term pain relief, they are not without side effects. CBD oil has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, making it an excellent natural alternative to pain relievers.
Herniated Discs
The discs found in your spine act as shock absorbers, cushioning the bones from the impact of everyday activities. A herniated disc comes about when the layer on the outside of your disc ruptures and the fluidish substance inside comes out. This can pressure the nerves surrounding the disc, causing significant irritation.
Pinched Nerves
A pinched nerve occurs when there is pressure on a nerve, causing it to become irritated or inflamed. This can occur when a disc herniates or when the bones in the spine compress the nerves. Pinched nerves can lead to pain, tingling, and numbness.
The symptoms of neck pain vary depending on the cause.
Muscle tension or strain usually causes dull, aching pain that gets worse with movement.
Arthritis typically causes pain that is worse with activity and improves with rest.
Herniated discs and pinched nerves can cause sharp, shooting pain, numbness, and tingling.
Muscle tension or strain can be treated with over-the-counter pain medication, ice, heat, and rest. Physical therapy,acupuncture, and massage may also be helpful.
Arthritis can be treated with over-the-counter medication, weight loss, and exercise.
Herniated discs and pinched nerves often require surgery to relieve the pressure on the nerves. Prevention
There are many techniques you can do to prevent neck pain, including:
- Maintaining good posture
- Taking regular breaks from prolonged activities
- Exercising regularly
- Wearing comfortable, low-heeled shoes
- Sleeping on a firm mattress
- Adjusting your workstation to fit your height and size
- Using a pillow that supports your neck
If you are experiencing neck pain, you should see a physician to rule out any severe underlying conditions. Once a diagnosis has been done, the physician will work with you to develop a treatment plan that is best for you. Good expert neck pain specialists can be found through our website or our offices in Dallas, TX.