Your smile is the very first thing that folks tend to realize about you. It demonstrates to friends and strangers alike that you are friendly and enthusiastic. However, if you have crooked teeth or other oral concerns, showing your grin could make you wish to disappear. Braces are still one of the most prevalent and effective procedures for addressing misaligned teeth and bite abnormalities. With the increasing forms of braces available nowadays, they are becoming more popular in adults. Irrespective of your age, braces accomplish the same thing: they reposition and straighten teeth and address bite disorders. So, what distinguishes Cedar Park adult braces from child braces? Continue reading to learn more. Our neighbor practice Limestone Hills Orthodontics discussed, for instance, types of orthodontic expanders suitable for each.
Orthodontic Care Takes More Time in Adults
One of the primary variations between adult and child braces is how long it takes to reposition teeth. Adults have completely developed jaws and teeth. As a result, they have firmer bones and settled tissue around the teeth.
Braces operate by exerting pressure on the root of your teeth. The root slowly shifts forward as a result of the pressure. As the bone adapts, your teeth will shift into their new, desired place.
Adult teeth take longer to shift into normal alignment because developed bones move sluggishly due to their denser and harder nature.
What Else Distinguishes Adult Braces From Child Braces?
The only significant distinction between child and adult braces is the time it takes to correct teeth. Although they serve the same function of relocating and correcting teeth, adults may have distinct obstacles when donning braces. Some of these difficulties include:
v Increased Collaboration
Kids are not always affected by the same illnesses or oral issues that affect adults, such as tooth loss or gum disease. As a result, while donning your braces, you might want to visit your orthodontic specialist or a periodontist to ensure that no issues, such as bone loss arise.
v Gum Disease And Bone Loss
Adults’ jaws may have more rigid bones. Nonetheless, they may also have regions of weakness or insufficient density. Your teeth can still move into their new places, but they will not attach correctly if there is not enough bone stability.
v Damaged Or Missing Teeth
For adults with serious infections or tooth decay, tooth extractions are routine. If you do not replace lost teeth, you risk losing bone in the extraction area. The missing space between your teeth might cause the teeth around it to shift or tip. As such, it could alter your bite and cause damage to sound teeth, necessitating further orthodontic and overall dental care.
What Other Braces Options Are There Available?
The orthodontic experts at Freedom Orthodontics offer numerous forms of outstanding braces for adults, kids, and tends, including:
- Traditional Metal Braces
- Ceramic Braces
- Invisalign
- Clear braces
If you are concerned about an underbite, overbite, crowding, open bite, or irregular spacing, braces could be the solution you need. Straight teeth are not only attractive, but they could also have a significant effect on your general health. Well-aligned teeth are considerably easier to clean and maintain, which helps to prevent gum disease and tooth decay. To determine what form of braces are ideal for you or your kid, call Freedom Orthodontics or schedule a consultation online today.