A brow lift is a surgical procedure that lifts, reshapes, and retextures the brows. It is often used to correct the upper eyelids’ unnatural, droopy, or saggy appearance. Fort Worth brow lift can also be used to improve the symmetry of your nose.
The procedure involves removing excess skin from the upper eyelid to create a smoother and more symmetrical shape. The excess skin may be lifted off of the face or removed entirely through plastic surgery techniques.
Why perform a brow lift?
Less skin sagging
The key benefit of a brow lift is that it will reduce the amount of skin sagging and improve your appearance. As we age, our facial structure begins to lose its youthful contours. This results in skin that hangs loosely, creating a “double chin” and drooping cheeks. A brow lift can restore your youthful appearance by tightening the underlying muscles of the face and giving your face back its firmness and structure.
Better facial symmetry
A brow lift can reshape the shape of your face by removing excess skin and tightening muscles in areas such as your lower face or jawline. This helps create a more youthful appearance for both men and women who have lost some of their bone structure due to aging or weight loss.
Improved contour
The brow lift also improves your contour by lifting the outer edge of your eyebrows to help create a more defined look to your face. This helps create a more natural appearance, making you appear younger than your age.
Improve cheekbones
The brow lift also helps improve the shape of your cheekbones by lifting them up so that they appear wider and more defined. This can be done through plastic surgery or botox injections into your ears or neck muscles.
Improved complexion
Women with unbalanced faces tend towards sallow complexions, rosy cheeks, and jaundiced eyes. A brow lift can help improve the overall look of your face by tightening up any loose skin under your eyes, reducing puffiness around your eyes, and enhancing your cheekbones, leading to an improved complexion.
Boost self-confidence
A brow lift procedure can help you achieve better self-confidence and enhance your appearance. You can look more youthful and revitalized after undergoing the brow lift. This way, you will look better, giving you a feeling of confidence and self-esteem.
Better smile lines
A brow lift can help correct smile lines caused by aging or genetic factors that make your cheeks appear sunken and weak when smiling or laughing. These lines are often visible when a person smiles wide open but may not be noticeable when the mouth is closed tightly as if frowning. A brow lift can help fix this problem by lifting the upper cheekbones back into place so that they rest against each other instead of being pushed down.
A brow lift is handy in re-establishing a youthful appearance, reducing forehead wrinkles, and improving facial symmetry. It can be performed in combination with other procedures, such as hair transplantation surgery or facelifts. Besides, it can also be used as an effective alternative to forehead lifts. For more information about the brow lift procedure, schedule a consultation with 817 Surgical Arts.