Our teeth and gums have to endure a lot of punishment during a lifetime and you can help by putting into practice certain routines to ensure good overall oral health. A dentist would say that a person’s mouth is a window into their physical health, and with that in mind, here are some best practices to adopt that will help your teeth and gums remain strong and healthy.
- Correct brushing – If you are unsure about how to brush correctly, there are some great animation videos that demonstrate proper techniques. When looking to buy a toothbrush, choose one with a small-medium head that has a degree of flexibility. Indeed, next time you visit your dentist, take a look at the brushes on sale, as they would be of the best quality. The ideal type is a soft-bristle toothbrush, which will not damage your delicate gums. You should brush first thing in the morning and last thing at night, plus after every meal.
- The importance of flossing – Floss after every brush, as this removes minute piece of food that become trapped between the teeth. The benefits are not apparent but you should make flossing a part of your oral health routine, as this will go a long way towards preventing tooth decay.
- Antiseptic mouthwash – There are many brands of antiseptic mouthwash, with lots of different flavours; buy a big bottle, leave it in your bathroom and top up a small carrying bottle to use after snacking when you are out and about. Tooth decay can lead to ZR crowns, so you should do what you can to rinse your mouth after consuming food and drink.
- Bi-annual oral examination – Sadly, many Australians only see their dentist when they experience pain, which is not a proactive stance. Book an oral examination every 6 months and your dentist can ensure that allis well; if there are issues, you can treat the condition at an early stage. Why not make it a family outing? You can treat the kids to a nice meal as a reward.
- Sports protection – Playing sports can involve collisions, so always wear a mouthguard when playing contact sports. Put the device in hot water and then wear it so it will take the perfect form to protect your teeth and gums.
If you take good care of your teeth and gums, they will last a lifetime and with regular oral examinations, your dentist can check that all is well.