When you’re smoking a typical cigarette, you will need to light up the end of the cigarette, thus burning the tobacco which will after release smoke that you will finally inhale into your lungs. The smoke that is produced by a cigarette is entirely made of nicotine, a social chemical that will increase your level of dopamine and adrenaline in your body. For someone that is vaping the process is entirely different. In this article, we will explain to you in detail how an e-cigarette works.
Components of a vaping device and their actions
An electronic cigarette is mainly built with three different components : a cartridge, a battery and a vaporization chamber. These three components will work together in order to release the smoke composed of nicotine and flavors into your lungs. The amount of nicotine on a vaping device will depend on the taste, needs and preferences of the user. As such, it can greatly vary from one customer to the other.
The battery: this component is made of lithium and is in charge of powering the entire device, to ensure the best vaping experience possible, whether you are purchasing a device for vaping in Australia or vaping in NZ. This battery can sometimes be rechargeable. When it’s the case, it will have a USB port to connect a cable to it. Some batteries, if they are powerful enough, will be able to power your e-cigarette for a few days. Depending on the device that you are using, the battery will take more or less space. Moreover, this component can generally be removed and changed if needed. The battery will most likely be small and light in order to avoid taking a lot of space in a vaping device. It will be connected to the vaporization chamber.
The vaporization chamber : this component is a hollow tube with electronic controls and an atomizer. The atomizer is the part of the electronic cigarette that will produce heat in order to create the vapor. Once the battery is connected, it will power the vaporization chamber, that will, in turn, activate the atomizer. Without an atomizer, no smoke will be released from the device. If your atomizer is not working, you will generally have to change the entire device, it can’t be replaced easily. For the vaporization chamber to be activated, the user will have to inhale through the mouthpiece of the device, thus triggering the whole process. The technology used for the vaporization chamber will change depending on how many functions the vaping device was built with.
The cartridge : this component is a part that will be attached to the vaporization chamber. The cartridge contains the e-liquid that will be heated by the atomizer in order to produce the smoke. The type of smoke that one inhales will depend on the type of vaping juice that he or she has chosen. Some e-liquid have chemicals that will help produce a lot of smoke while others will only release a little bit of smoke. Once the cartridge is attached to the chamber, the device will be able to function properly.
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