The on-going lockdown has hindered everyone’s motivation to stay fit. Our lifestyle has changed almost wholly during this period.
One more thing that can be noticed as a significant change is the rise in the popularity of Pilates. People who wish to improve their overall fitness are indulging more in Pilates exercises. It is being considered as one of the best options keeping in mind its benefits.
Let us read a little about the history of Pilates and how its popularity is on the rise these days.
A peek into the history of Pilates
Pilates is named after Joseph Pilates. He is the developer of this physical fitness system which was brought to people’s attention in the 20th century.
Pilates is practiced worldwide as there are several benefits of Pilates exercises. According to a survey conducted in 2005, there were a total of 11 million people and around 14,000 instructors practicing this system in the US.
Pilates is becoming more popular after the various benefits of Pilates exercises were put in front of people. A Pilates workout helps a great deal in order to alleviate health issues.
Various books and documentaries have been made on Pilates to make people more aware since the 20th century. Lately, people are understanding its beneficial aspects and are turning to Pilates exercises to stay healthy and fit.
Why this constant rise of Pilates?
The rising popularity of Pilates workout has multiple reasons behind it. Nowadays, Pilates exercises are becoming one of the most preferable low-intensity workout regimens among people.
One of the significant points differentiating Pilates from other workout forms is it’s multiple benefits and effectiveness. Even the basic Pilates exercises work the whole body and mind.
There are basic Pilates exercises that can be easily performed at home. Some effective Pilates exercises for beginners can be done without the usage of heavy equipment. One of the best parts of Pilates workout is that there are no complex prerequisites needed for starting Pilates.
Pilates is a method of exercise that includes muscle strengthening and endurance movements. Along with working for improving body strength, weight loss and flexibility, it also helps in alleviating body aches or injuries.
Pilates exercises should be performed with control and precision. At times, these get a bit challenging. Pilates workouts complement other fitness activities well. Conclusively, it is considered one of the best systems of fitness.
May it be beginners or trained enthusiasts, there is always something new to learn in Pilates. Moreover, it is suitable for all age groups. There is always some or the other challenge or improvement in these exercises.
In today’s times, when everyone is working from home, the physical and psychological concerns have been increasing among people. Physical and mental issues are on a hike too. In such times, starting to practice a healthy fitness form like Pilates could bring a huge positive difference in our physical and mental health.
Pilates is renowned for improving the overall health of people and for better functioning. All these reasons logically explain the rise in the popularity of Pilates among people.
Learn Pilates online with Radhika Karle
One of the best ways to start with basic Pilates exercises is to join a Pilates course online. In that case, who could be better than Radhika Karle herself teaching you how to go forward with a Pilates workout? If you’re keen on maintaining your health and learning Pilates exercises, then the unluclass by Radhika Karle is just for you!
So if you take your health seriously, this can be a big step towards maintaining it! Check out the online unluclass on Pilates by Radhika Karle, today!
Happy Learning!