The spinal cord is the main highway for communication between the brain and the body. The spinal cord carries messages back and forth between the two, telling the body what to do and sending information back to the brain about what is going on in the body. Spinal cord stimulation Houston is a therapy that uses electrical pulses to relieve pain in some body regions.
Spinal cord stimulation is a treatment that blocks pain signals from the spinal cord to the brain. It is also called neurostimulation. There are two types of spinal cord stimulation:
- Epidural stimulation: This type of stimulation is done by placing electrodes in the epidural space, the area around the spinal cord. The electrodes are connected to a device placed under the skin, usually in the lower back.
- Peripheral nerve stimulation: This type of stimulation is done by placing electrodes on the peripheral nerves, which are the nerves that go to the arms and legs.
SCS is done using a device called a stimulator. The stimulator is usually implanted under the skin, and leads are placed next to the spinal cord. The stimulator sends electrical pulses to the spinal cord through the leads. The stimulator can be turned on or off as needed.
There are a lot of things that spinal cord stimulation can do for you, including:
Helping to relieve pain
SCS is most commonly used to help relieve pain in the legs and lower back when it comes to pain relief. However, it can also treat pain in the arms, neck, and mid-back. SCS works by sending electrical pulses to the spinal cord, which interferes with pain signals sent from the nerves to the brain. When the brain does not receive these pain signals, you will feel less pain.
Improve the quality of life
In addition to reducing pain, SCS can also help improve your quality of life. SCS can help you be more active and take part in activities that you may have been avoiding due to pain.
Reducing the need for pain medication
SCS can also help reduce your need for pain medication. SCS can relieve pain, so you may not need to take as much pain medication. In some cases, people can stop taking pain medication altogether after starting SCS.
Helping to improve sleep
SCS can also help to improve sleep. It is because SCS can help to control pain, which can make it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep. With less pain, you will be able to get a better night’s sleep.
Reducing stress and anxiety
SCS can also help reduce stress and anxiety, help control pain, and reduce pressure and anxiety levels. In some cases, people can stop taking anxiety medication after starting SCS.
Avoiding or delaying surgery
In some cases, SCS can help avoid or delay surgery. It is because SCS can help relieve pain and improve the quality of life. In some cases, people can postpone surgery or even avoid it altogether.
Spinal cord stimulation is a therapy that has a lot of benefits. If you are looking for pain relief, improved quality of life, and other benefits, SCS may be right for you. Call Expert Pain and consult your doctor to see if SCS is an option for you.