Are you about to start growing indoors? I’m a big fan of indoor growing, as it’s possible to create some fantastic plants – plus the best LED glasses you’ll use to protect your eyes while you’re in the grow room actually look quite cool!
That’s essentially what this blog is about, as it really can’t be underplayed how important it is to protect your vision in these very specialised growing areas.
You Only Have One Pair of Eyes!
In order to get the best possible growing results indoors, you need high powered illumination equipment like LED lights, HPS lights, LEC lights, metal halide lights and more. The wavelengths these lights create are great for your plants, but horrible for your eyes!
You absolutely need the best LED glasses or correct protection for the lights you’re using. This is a great place to start, but here are some more tips on keeping those eyes of yours protected.
Use Your Lights Selectively
One effective way to protect your eyes in the grow room when you’re in there for a prolonged period is to turn your LED lights off for a spell. The benefits of doing this are two-fold; 1) you’ll get to see your plants in all their colorful glory and 2) you won’t be left squinting and unable to see properly after you leave the room.
Sure, if you’ve got the cash to buy a pair of the best LED glasses on the market, then great, but if you can’t quite afford them just yet, having a safe alternative – like a normal house lamp – to use whilst you’re in the grow room is a free, alternative way around the problem.
It’s just a matter of turning your LED lights back on afterwards. Just be careful though, as they can take a while to come back on properly.
Keep Your Pets Out!
Ok, so this tip isn’t exactly one about keeping YOUR eyes protected, but it is one about protecting the eyes of your dogs or cats. Before we even start talking about the unfortunate things cats like to do in plant beds, your pet’s eyes are just as vulnerable to intense illumination that grow lights produce.
So, short of going online and finding the best LED glasses for cats and dogs (there’s no such thing, by the way), just keep them out, as nice as it is to spend time with them.
Wear a Wide-Brimmed Hat
Another consideration for grow room safety is the fact that your skin is exposed by those very same high-powered lights. Your eyes are safe behind your glasses, however the skin on your face and your forehead is often exposed to these powerful UV lights.
Whilst they may not be the same as tanning bed bulbs, those in grow lights can lead to the same skin damage over an extended period, just as if you were out in the sun. It’s something that many growers forget.
Above All Keep Your Eyes Protected!
Basically, if you’re in the grow room environment, you either need to be selective when you use your grow lights or you need the right eye protection. You just can’t take chances when there’s a potential for your sight to be damaged.
Everything else – including your plant’s health – is secondary. I hope my brief blog proves useful to you and causes you to take the precautions that are necessary in this kind of arena.