Cryptocurrencies hold a huge potential when it comes to trading. Here you will find all the information needed in order to trade with cryptos.
What can be traded with Cryptocurrency?
In the last three years, cryptocurrencies have become more and more popular around the world. Far from the technological aspects of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, they are especially interesting for speculators and traders. Here, one can place bets on highly volatile assets and be rewarded for the risk taken.
While there are many success stories of crypto traders, there are of course many stories of failures as well. By the way, you can also find different crypto-based trading options on In this introductory article, we will explain to you what crypto trading actually is exactly, how it works, what you need to keep in mind and what beginner mistakes you should definitely not make, and how cryptos are traded in general.
Trading cryptocurrencies
By now, you have a wide range of options when you want to buy cryptocurrencies. Nowadays, there are many different providers that offer a variety of different cryptocurrencies and payment options. Cryptocurrencies are traded on special crypto exchanges that are similar to regular stock exchanges. Accordingly, it is very straightforward to buy bitcoin similar to stocks. Crypto exchanges generally fall into two categories: centralized (CEX) and decentralized (DEX).
In addition to buying cryptocurrencies with FIAT currencies, such as buying Bitcoins with Paypal, you can hold funds on a CEX and exchange Bitcoin for altcoins and other tokens, for example. You should always be aware that you have no control over the private keys of your funds.
What do I need to look out for when buying cryptocurrencies?
Only a few cryptocurrencies – such as Bitcoin and Ethereum – have achieved mainstream popularity. However, even well-established cryptocurrencies can fall victim to extreme price volatility. It is difficult to predict how prices will behave, as there is little historical information to analyze, especially for newer cryptocurrencies.
Not to mention ICOs and IEOs. These are projects in their earliest stages of raising capital from investors. Investing in such a project could prove to be extremely lucrative, but equally, there is a chance that it could turn into an expensive mistake.
It is important to always keep yourself updated, get independent reviews of the different projects and gather as much information as possible about the background of a coin or token before you decide to invest. Here, the keyword is fundamental analysis. This involves examining various aspects of a project that could play a role in its future success.
Which markets or underlyings can I trade with CFDs?
What are popular beginner mistakes?
Just like traditional investments, it pays to have a diverse portfolio and spread your risk. That way, a disastrous performance of one position won’t have a catastrophic effect on the overall value of your portfolio.
Also, chasing profits by investing in a cryptocurrency that is on an upswing can seem tempting, but there is always the risk of “pump and dump” schemes where the price subsequently crashes.
If you are planning to trade cryptocurrencies, I can only advise you to prepare yourself well. If you have traded stocks before, it will be much easier for you to get started than for someone without any experience, but these markets are still special because of their volatility.